International Complutense Course on Landform Design and Modelling for Best Practice in Mine Rehabilitation, with the then Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, Carlos Andradas Heranz.
Higher education

We teach Geomorphic Restoration (GR) in the Masters in Environmental Geology (MUGA) and in Ecosystem Restoration (MURE) (an interuniversity Master program in Madrid), where we accept, and often have, Visiting Students. At the internet pages https://www.ucm.es/estudios/master-geologiaambiental and https://www.ucm.es/geologia-ambiental/ you have information on the GR subject of the MUGA, and at https://masterrestecos.web.uah.es/ you have access to the teaching guides of the subject GR-MURE
Geomorphic Restoration – https://www.uah.es/es/estudios/descarga-de-ficheros/?anio=2023-24&codAsig=202915&codPlan=M194
This master’s degree, in Ecosystem Restoration, is recognized as one of the best in Spain on the Environment, and the second best master’s degree in Spain in the field of Environmental Impact, in the annual evaluation carried out by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.
At MURE master, we also teach the subject Erosion and Soil Restoration Processes – https://www.uah.es/es/estudios/descarga-de-ficheros/?anio=2024-25&codAsig=202917&codPlan=M194, fully related to the field of GR.
Continuous learning